2018 スピーカー/ Speakers
Alisa Freedman アリサ・フリードマン
オレゴン大学准教授/Associate Professor at the University of Oregon
戦後の女性留学生が日本の発展に与えた影響/How female exchange students shaped Japan’s postwar development
オレゴン大学の准教授として日本近代文学やジェンダーなどを研究。主な著作は"Tokyo in Transit: Japanese Culture on the Rails and Road" (スタンフォード大学出版)、 "Modern Girls on the Go: Gender, Mobility, and Labor in Japan" (スタンフォード大学出版)、"Introducing Japanese Popular Culture" (Routledge)、川端康成の『浅草紅団』の注釈つき翻訳 (カリフォルニア大学出版)など。日本文学の翻訳の出版に加え、日本のモダニズム、東京研究、若者文化、ジェンダー、テレビ、社会批評のユーモア、教授法、印刷とデジタルメディアの交点に関する20以上の記事などを執筆した。2016年からは、U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal の編集長。教育指導の分野では2017年のNACADA Award for Excellence in Faculty Advisingを受賞した。
Alisa Freedman is an Associate Professor at the University of Oregon. In 2017-2018, she has been a Japan Foundation Research Fellow at Waseda University. Her books include Tokyo in Transit: Japanese Culture on the Rails and Road, an annotated translation of Kawabata Yasunari’s The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa, and co-edited volumes on Modern Girls on the Go: Gender, Mobility, and Labor in Japan and Introducing Japanese Popular Culture (Routledge). She has published more than twenty articles and book chapters on Japanese modernism, Tokyo studies, youth culture, gender, television, humor as social critique, teaching pedagogies, and intersections of print and digital media, along with publishing translations of Japanese literature. Since spring 2016, she has been the Editor-in-Chief of the U.S-Japan Women’s Journal. In addition, Alisa has been nationally recognized for excellence in mentoring (NACADA Award for Excellence in Faculty Advising, 2017).
榊原 英資 / Eisuke Sakakibara
青山学院大学特別招聘教授/Professor of Aoyama Gakuin Universtiy
日本の若者よ 世界に出でよ / Youth in Japan Discover the World
Eisuke Sakakibara is a professor of Economics at Aoyama Gakuin University. He was born in 1941, earned his BA in Economics from the University of Tokyo in 1964, and his Ph.D. in Economics from University of Michigan in 1969. He Joined the Ministry of Finance (MOF) in 1965, IMF as an economist in 1971, Harvard University as a Visiting Associate Professor of Economics, International Finance Bureau of the MOF as a Director-General in 1995. He became a vice minister of Finance for International Affairs of the MOF in 1997, a professor at Keio University in 1999, and a professor at Waseda University in 2006.
Eisuke Sakakibara is a professor of Economics at Aoyama Gakuin University. He was born in 1941, earned his BA in Economics from the University of Tokyo in 1964, and his Ph.D. in Economics from University of Michigan in 1969. He Joined the Ministry of Finance (MOF) in 1965, IMF as an economist in 1971, Harvard University as a Visiting Associate Professor of Economics, International Finance Bureau of the MOF as a Director-General in 1995. He became a vice minister of Finance for International Affairs of the MOF in 1997, a professor at Keio University in 1999, and a professor at Waseda University in 2006.
堀江 広美 / Hiromi Horie
ブルームバーグ・ニュース東京支局ジャーナリスト / Journalist for Bloomberg News Tokyo Bureau
「難民の母」が紡いだ絆が教えてくれたこと /
What the story of "Mother of Refugees" tells us
What the story of "Mother of Refugees" tells us
Hiromi Horie started her career as a reporter for the Chugoku Newspaper based in Hiroshima covering refugee and other global issues in local communities. She was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship and a John S. Knight Journalism Fellowship at Stanford University. She earned her Master's Degree from New York University. She has extensive experience in writing and editing news articles on globalization of goods and people. She is a qualified yoga instructor.
Hiromi Horie started her career as a reporter for the Chugoku Newspaper based in Hiroshima covering refugee and other global issues in local communities. She was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship and a John S. Knight Journalism Fellowship at Stanford University. She earned her Master's Degree from New York University. She has extensive experience in writing and editing news articles on globalization of goods and people. She is a qualified yoga instructor.
ケン・ヘイグ Ken Haig
在日米国商工会議所エネルギー委員会委員長/Co-Chair of the Energy Committee at the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan
柔軟なエネルギー供給システムの展望を可能にするために~日米協働から得られること~/Enabling a Flexible Energy Future: Learning from US-Japan Exchanges
ケン・ヘイグ(博士、政治学)はオラクル株式会社のユティリティ・グローバル・ビジネス・ユニット (UGBU)の渉外部ディレクター(現役)として日本オラクル株式会社の東京本社に拠点を置きながら、在日米国商工会議所(ACCJ)のエネルギー委員会委員長、そして北海道大学公共政策大学院の客員研究員としても籍を置く。 前職は行動科学とデータ分析の組み合わせによる大規模な省エネ推進の先鞭をつけたオーパワー株式会社の国際市場開拓担当(2016年のオラクル買収によりオラクルに入社)、その前は米国のカリフォルニア大学バークレー校、ハーバード大 学、バード大学等で比較政治学者として教鞭をとり、日本においても阿部フェロー(北海道大学にて)、フルブライト・フェロー(慶應義塾大学にて)として日本の大学にも所属。 マンスフィールド財団の日米次世代を担うネットワーク・プログラ ムの初期フェローとして日米交流推進に貢献。ハーバード大学で歴史学文学士号取得、カリフォル ニア大学バークレー校で政治学博士号取得。
Ken Haig is Director of Market Development and Regulatory Affairs for the Oracle Utilities Global Business Unit (UGBU), and is based in Oracle Japan’s Tokyo headquarters. He is also a Research Associate at Hokkaido University's Graduate School of Public Policy, as well as Co-Chair of the Energy Committee at the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ). Ken joined Oracle from Opower, a software company that pioneered the blending of behavioral science and data science to promote large-scale utility-led residential energy efficiency, and prior to this was an academic teaching political science at U.C. Berkeley, Harvard University. He has also held academic appointments in Japan and contributed to U.S.-Japan exchange as an Abe Fellow and Fulbright Fellow, and as an inaugural member of the Mansfield Foundation's US-Japan Network for the Future. Ken holds a B.A. in History from Harvard University, and a Masters and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley.
水田早枝子 / Saeko Mizuta
TCK Workshop創業社長 / Founding president of TCK Workshop
子供時代の海外経験はトラウマか、財産か /
The Traumatizing Gift of An International Childhood
The Traumatizing Gift of An International Childhood
Saeko grew up among two worlds - Japan and the US - and based on her own experience of a multi-lingual / multi-cultural education, she founded TCK Workshop, an education company that supports children to survive and thrive through the social, cultural and academic challenges involved in international relocation.
Saeko grew up among two worlds - Japan and the US - and based on her own experience of a multi-lingual / multi-cultural education, she founded TCK Workshop, an education company that supports children to survive and thrive through the social, cultural and academic challenges involved in international relocation.
明石 康 / Yasushi Akashi
元国連事務次長 / Former United Nations Undersecretary-General
忍耐と希望:カンボジアの560日 /
Patience and Hope: My Experiences from Cambodian PKO
Patience and Hope: My Experiences from Cambodian PKO
Chairman of the International House of Japan, President of the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning, Vice-President of the United Nations Association of Japan After graduating from the University of Tokyo, Yasushi Akashi obtained his Master’s degree at the University of Virginia as a Fulbright Scholar and further studied at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Columbia University. He first joined the United Nations Secretariat in 1957 as a political affairs officer and held various positions such as United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Public Information and Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs. Before his leaving the United Nations in 1997, he was designated the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Cambodia, and the Special Representative for the Secretary-General for the Former Yugoslavia until 1995. Yasushi is currently Chairman of the International House of Japan, while also serving as President of the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP) and Vice-President of the United Nations Association of Japan, among others.
Chairman of the International House of Japan, President of the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning, Vice-President of the United Nations Association of Japan After graduating from the University of Tokyo, Yasushi Akashi obtained his Master’s degree at the University of Virginia as a Fulbright Scholar and further studied at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Columbia University. He first joined the United Nations Secretariat in 1957 as a political affairs officer and held various positions such as United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Public Information and Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs. Before his leaving the United Nations in 1997, he was designated the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Cambodia, and the Special Representative for the Secretary-General for the Former Yugoslavia until 1995. Yasushi is currently Chairman of the International House of Japan, while also serving as President of the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP) and Vice-President of the United Nations Association of Japan, among others.
徳永 悠 / Yu Tokunaga
京都大学助教/Assistant Professor at Kyoto University
移民史から学ぶ、他者への共感 /
Learning the Importance of Empathy from the History of Immigration
Learning the Importance of Empathy from the History of Immigration
Yu Tokunaga is a historian of immigration. Through his study abroad experiences in Costa Rica and the United States during his high school and undergraduate years, he came to realize the importance of immigration history. After graduating, he worked as a newspaper reporter for four years at the Asahi Shimbun. Following this, Yu entered graduate school at Kyoto University and moved on to the doctoral program of the history department at the University of Southern California where he began to investigate histories of Japanese and Mexican immigrants in the United States. In 2016, he was appointed as an assistant professor at Kyoto University’s Institute for Research in Humanities. Besides his research, Yu has been engaged in social activities to provide educational support for children of immigrants in Shiga Prefecture.
Yu Tokunaga is a historian of immigration. Through his study abroad experiences in Costa Rica and the United States during his high school and undergraduate years, he came to realize the importance of immigration history. After graduating, he worked as a newspaper reporter for four years at the Asahi Shimbun. Following this, Yu entered graduate school at Kyoto University and moved on to the doctoral program of the history department at the University of Southern California where he began to investigate histories of Japanese and Mexican immigrants in the United States. In 2016, he was appointed as an assistant professor at Kyoto University’s Institute for Research in Humanities. Besides his research, Yu has been engaged in social activities to provide educational support for children of immigrants in Shiga Prefecture.
古澤 有峰 / Yumi Furusawa
東京大学大学院研究員 / Researcher at Graduate School, University of Tokyo
世界で最も困っている人たちを助ける方法:支援活動における宗教の2つの側面から /
How to Help the Most Troubled People in the World: From the Two Perspectives of Religion in Support Activities
How to Help the Most Troubled People in the World: From the Two Perspectives of Religion in Support Activities
Studying at Zurich University (Social Anthropology, Rotary Scholarship/Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists), Kyoto University (Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of Education, MA), The University of Tokyo (Health and Medical Sociology, Graduate School of Medicine), University of Hawaii at Manoa (Cultural and Medical Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Graduate Program), obtained a Ph.D. in Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology at The University of Tokyo. After teaching and researching as Senior lecturer at University of Human Arts and Sciences, and Project Assistant Professor at The University of Tokyo Center for Biomedical Ethics and Law, at present, Researcher in Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology (Death and Life Studies and Practical Ethics) at The University of Tokyo.
Studying at Zurich University (Social Anthropology, Rotary Scholarship/Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists), Kyoto University (Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of Education, MA), The University of Tokyo (Health and Medical Sociology, Graduate School of Medicine), University of Hawaii at Manoa (Cultural and Medical Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Graduate Program), obtained a Ph.D. in Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology at The University of Tokyo. After teaching and researching as Senior lecturer at University of Human Arts and Sciences, and Project Assistant Professor at The University of Tokyo Center for Biomedical Ethics and Law, at present, Researcher in Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology (Death and Life Studies and Practical Ethics) at The University of Tokyo.
Talks were given in English or Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation was provided).
Talks were given in English or Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation was provided).
Graphic design by Amber Chook