2019 スピーカー / Speakers
赤津 晴子/Haruko Akatsu
国際医療福祉大学医学部教授、医学教育統括センター長/Dean of Medical Education for the IUHW
Building Bridges through Medical Education
Haruko Akatsu believes globalizing clinical medicine and integrating international perspectives into medical education will improve patient care worldwide. After graduating from Sophia University in Japan, she traveled to America as a Fulbright Scholar and graduated from Harvard School of Public Health and Brown University School of Medicine. She completed her post graduate training at Stanford University, practiced and taught endocrinology at the University of Pittsburgh and Stanford University. She served as Medical Director of the Thyroid Cancer Program and Chief of Endocrine Clinic at Stanford University, and has received honors, including the Top Doctors in America and Best Doctors in America awards.
After 25 years of American clinical and medical education experience, she returned to Japan in 2017 to accept a position as Dean of Medical Education for the new IUHW School of Medicine.
Haruko Akatsu believes globalizing clinical medicine and integrating international perspectives into medical education will improve patient care worldwide. After graduating from Sophia University in Japan, she traveled to America as a Fulbright Scholar and graduated from Harvard School of Public Health and Brown University School of Medicine. She completed her post graduate training at Stanford University, practiced and taught endocrinology at the University of Pittsburgh and Stanford University. She served as Medical Director of the Thyroid Cancer Program and Chief of Endocrine Clinic at Stanford University, and has received honors, including the Top Doctors in America and Best Doctors in America awards.
After 25 years of American clinical and medical education experience, she returned to Japan in 2017 to accept a position as Dean of Medical Education for the new IUHW School of Medicine.
マーク・ブックマン/Mark Bookman
Ph.D. Student, University of Pennsylvania
Ph.D. Student, University of Pennsylvania
Paralympics as Possibility: The Past, Present, and Future of Accessibility
2018年秋より、ブックマンは東京大学において 国際交流基金日本研究フェローとして、世界中の障がい者の教育・就労・社会参画への障壁を取り払うための方法と戦略について研究を行っている。
Mark Bookman received his B.A. in Global Interdisciplinary Studies from Villanova University in 2014 prior to researching Medieval Buddhist Philosophy in Japan as a Fulbright Fellow. He earned his M.A. in East Asian Languages and Civilizations from the University of Pennsylvania in 2016, where he studies the history and politics of disability in Japan as a PhD Candidate. As of the fall of 2018, Mark began working as a Japan Foundation Research Fellow at the University of Tokyo, where he develops tools and strategies for eliminating barriers to education, employment, and social participation faced by persons with disabilities around the world.
2018年秋より、ブックマンは東京大学において 国際交流基金日本研究フェローとして、世界中の障がい者の教育・就労・社会参画への障壁を取り払うための方法と戦略について研究を行っている。
Mark Bookman received his B.A. in Global Interdisciplinary Studies from Villanova University in 2014 prior to researching Medieval Buddhist Philosophy in Japan as a Fulbright Fellow. He earned his M.A. in East Asian Languages and Civilizations from the University of Pennsylvania in 2016, where he studies the history and politics of disability in Japan as a PhD Candidate. As of the fall of 2018, Mark began working as a Japan Foundation Research Fellow at the University of Tokyo, where he develops tools and strategies for eliminating barriers to education, employment, and social participation faced by persons with disabilities around the world.
原田 敬美/Keimi Harada
建築家/元港区長 Architect/Former Mayor of Minato City
Design Method to Construct Bridges between Citizens and City Hall
Keimi Harada received his doctorate in architecture and has participated in international meetings related to architecture and city planning. He studied abroad on three separate occasions, including Rice University (Houston, Texas, USA) on a Fulbright Scholarship. Dr. Harada has previously served as the President of the Fulbright Alumni Association, as well as a visiting professor of the International Academy of Architecture in Bulgaria. A former mayor of Minato City, Tokyo, Harada created new policies to promote women’s participation in the community, childcare, and care for persons with disabilities by utilizing land and buildings that had been vacant due to the severe financial conditions.
Keimi Harada received his doctorate in architecture and has participated in international meetings related to architecture and city planning. He studied abroad on three separate occasions, including Rice University (Houston, Texas, USA) on a Fulbright Scholarship. Dr. Harada has previously served as the President of the Fulbright Alumni Association, as well as a visiting professor of the International Academy of Architecture in Bulgaria. A former mayor of Minato City, Tokyo, Harada created new policies to promote women’s participation in the community, childcare, and care for persons with disabilities by utilizing land and buildings that had been vacant due to the severe financial conditions.
疋田 万理/Mari Hikita
ONE MEDIA編集長/ Editor-in-chief/SVP, ONE MEDIA
You're in the news
早稲田大学商学部卒業。アメリカ系スタートアップでのプロダクトデザイナーを経て、HUFFPOST Japanで動画エディターに。C Channelにてメディアプロデューサーを経験した後、2017年、ミレニアル世代をターゲットとしたSNS型動画メディア「ONE MEDIA」編集長に20代にして就任。考え抜かれたメディア戦略、そしてファッショナブルなクリエイティビティと社会問題とを自在に結びつける感性は大きな注目を集め、BUSINESS INSIDER2019年Game Changerにも選出されている。
Mari Hikita graduated from the Faculty of Commerce at Waseda University, and began her career by becoming a product designer at an American start-up company. Hikita then became a video editor at Huffpost Japan. In 2017, after being a media producer at C Channel, Hikita, though in her 20s, was inaugurated as the editor-in-chief of ONE MEDIA, which is a broadcasting media company for Millennials on SNS. Hikita was also nominated as a BUSINESS INSIDER 2019 Game Changer, being highly acclaimed for her elaborate media strategy and her flexible association of her fashionable creativity to social issues.
Mari Hikita graduated from the Faculty of Commerce at Waseda University, and began her career by becoming a product designer at an American start-up company. Hikita then became a video editor at Huffpost Japan. In 2017, after being a media producer at C Channel, Hikita, though in her 20s, was inaugurated as the editor-in-chief of ONE MEDIA, which is a broadcasting media company for Millennials on SNS. Hikita was also nominated as a BUSINESS INSIDER 2019 Game Changer, being highly acclaimed for her elaborate media strategy and her flexible association of her fashionable creativity to social issues.
小島 慶子/Keiko Kojima
エッセイスト、タレント/Essayist, TV Personality
Beyond Gender Stereotypical Ideas of "Femininity" and "Masculinity"
Keiko Kojima is a TV personality and essayist. She started her career as an announcer on a prominent TV station in Japan, in 1995. Soon after she started working, Keiko discovered that her role as a female announcer was to be nothing more than a "girl." She was mostly evaluated on the basis of her appearance rather than her work. While struggling with the gendered expectations of her role, Keiko received the prestigious 36th Galaxy DJ Personality Award in recognition for her work on the radio where she did not have to play the role of a “girl”. Following her transition to freelance announcing in 2010, she became the breadwinner of her family in 2013. A year later, she moved to Australia for the sake of her children’s education. Keiko now flies back and forth to Japan for work like her father used to do. Through her experiences, she has realized that she herself adhered to stereotypes about what men should be like and how they should contribute to Japanese society. Keiko has led numerous activities to counteract those stereotypes and to empower those struggling because of the stringent gender norms in Japan.
Keiko Kojima is a TV personality and essayist. She started her career as an announcer on a prominent TV station in Japan, in 1995. Soon after she started working, Keiko discovered that her role as a female announcer was to be nothing more than a "girl." She was mostly evaluated on the basis of her appearance rather than her work. While struggling with the gendered expectations of her role, Keiko received the prestigious 36th Galaxy DJ Personality Award in recognition for her work on the radio where she did not have to play the role of a “girl”. Following her transition to freelance announcing in 2010, she became the breadwinner of her family in 2013. A year later, she moved to Australia for the sake of her children’s education. Keiko now flies back and forth to Japan for work like her father used to do. Through her experiences, she has realized that she herself adhered to stereotypes about what men should be like and how they should contribute to Japanese society. Keiko has led numerous activities to counteract those stereotypes and to empower those struggling because of the stringent gender norms in Japan.
南 由紀/Yuki Minami
フルブライトフェロー/ Fulbright Fellow, University of Kyushu
Hidden potential and power of the minority
Yuki Minami is currently a Fulbright Fellow at Kyushu University with a unique background. She was born as an orphan and was internationally adopted. As she moved out her original home country, she faced language barriers and had difficulties as an immigrant child at the beginning of her life. After she became a Marine, where she first experienced education and opportunity of bridging different culture in the military, she began to volunteer opening up the temporary English book class for orphanages and started to support immigrant children. The narrative of her life shows a hope of minority groups.
Yuki Minami is currently a Fulbright Fellow at Kyushu University with a unique background. She was born as an orphan and was internationally adopted. As she moved out her original home country, she faced language barriers and had difficulties as an immigrant child at the beginning of her life. After she became a Marine, where she first experienced education and opportunity of bridging different culture in the military, she began to volunteer opening up the temporary English book class for orphanages and started to support immigrant children. The narrative of her life shows a hope of minority groups.
田中 元子/Motoko Tanaka
株式会社グランドレベル代表/ Ground Level Inc. CEO
My Public and Ground Level
Motoko Tanaka is an activist who reconfigures the relationship among people, city, town, and architecture. As CEO of GROUND LEVEL INC., Tanaka engages in projects that provoke citizens to take self-motivated actions and advocates the concept of “my public” in which an individual can be a public being. The mission is to raise the value of area and happiness by creating everyday scenes in a city full of life. Her major projects include Urban Camp, a campsite in an underutilized urban space, and Personal Street Vendor, which allows an individual person to serve something for free. The project Kissa Laundry provided a place for various activities by diverse citizens ranging from 0 to 100 years old. It has gained international attention and was honored as the best 100 at the Good Design Award 2018.
Motoko Tanaka is an activist who reconfigures the relationship among people, city, town, and architecture. As CEO of GROUND LEVEL INC., Tanaka engages in projects that provoke citizens to take self-motivated actions and advocates the concept of “my public” in which an individual can be a public being. The mission is to raise the value of area and happiness by creating everyday scenes in a city full of life. Her major projects include Urban Camp, a campsite in an underutilized urban space, and Personal Street Vendor, which allows an individual person to serve something for free. The project Kissa Laundry provided a place for various activities by diverse citizens ranging from 0 to 100 years old. It has gained international attention and was honored as the best 100 at the Good Design Award 2018.
吉兼 周優/Hiromasa Yoshikane
株式会社Azit共同創業者、CEO、デザイナー/Azit Inc. Co-founder, CEO & Designer
Social design for problem-solving
-Building a new relationship between rule-making and innovation
Hiromasa Yoshikane is a co-founder and CEO of Azit, a Japanese mobility platform company. As a cutting-edge social designer, Hiromasa has revolutionized mobility services. Under the concept of "co-creation," he has partnered with governments and large companies, conducting demonstration experiments in local areas such as Yoron Island. At the age of 20 (2015) he created the product CREW to create “the future of Japan-unique mobility services." CREW strives to meet the social challenges of the "transportation gap" facing Japan, such as traffic depopulation of local areas, packed trains in city areas, and the increasing number of foreign visitors. CREW has received high praise, having raised more than JPY 1 billion (USD 9.1 million) in total as of 2018.
Hiromasa Yoshikane is a co-founder and CEO of Azit, a Japanese mobility platform company. As a cutting-edge social designer, Hiromasa has revolutionized mobility services. Under the concept of "co-creation," he has partnered with governments and large companies, conducting demonstration experiments in local areas such as Yoron Island. At the age of 20 (2015) he created the product CREW to create “the future of Japan-unique mobility services." CREW strives to meet the social challenges of the "transportation gap" facing Japan, such as traffic depopulation of local areas, packed trains in city areas, and the increasing number of foreign visitors. CREW has received high praise, having raised more than JPY 1 billion (USD 9.1 million) in total as of 2018.
2019 パフォーマー/ Performer
エミリー・コール/Emily Cole
オレゴン大学博士課程/Ph.D. Student, University of Oregon
"Excuse me, will you take my picture?":
Juggling and Cross-Cultural Encounters in Tokyo
Emily Cole is a PhD Candidate in History at the University of Oregon. Currently affiliated with the University of Tokyo on a Fulbright grant, her research examines photography during the Allied Occupation of Japan and the relationship between photographic images and discourse and Japanese cultural identity in the postwar period. In a rare moment of free time Emily enjoys juggling. On a previous trip to Tokyo—as a way to practice speaking Japanese—she embarked on a personal project of asking strangers to take her photo juggling in front of famous landmarks. In addition to collecting numerous quirky-but-fun photographs, the experience allowed Emily to connect with Japanese as she juggled at Kaminarimon in Asakusa, with samurai in Tokyo Station, and even on the top of Mt. Fuji.
Emily Cole is a PhD Candidate in History at the University of Oregon. Currently affiliated with the University of Tokyo on a Fulbright grant, her research examines photography during the Allied Occupation of Japan and the relationship between photographic images and discourse and Japanese cultural identity in the postwar period. In a rare moment of free time Emily enjoys juggling. On a previous trip to Tokyo—as a way to practice speaking Japanese—she embarked on a personal project of asking strangers to take her photo juggling in front of famous landmarks. In addition to collecting numerous quirky-but-fun photographs, the experience allowed Emily to connect with Japanese as she juggled at Kaminarimon in Asakusa, with samurai in Tokyo Station, and even on the top of Mt. Fuji.